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Position:Home>History> Was world war II all that bad?

Question: Was world war II all that bad!?
first of all i am NOT saying that World War II was good in full, but the after effects!. if Hitler had not started the war we wouldn't have many things!. I will list some:
-nuclear technology (Einstein pushed nuclear studies so that the U!.S!.A!. would have nuclear arms before the Nazis)
-vehicles and tanks (many advancements in technology related to vehicles were made because we needed to be better than the enemies)
-women's rights (while all the MEN were fighting the women took their jobs!. the employers noticed that the women were as good or better than men and that made the fight for rights easier
-[this might sound a little sick] slowing overpopulation (millions of people died so all of their children died as well, but if they lived the world would have MANY more people than it has now, putting strain on food, oil, water, etc etc!.!.!.)
please give as best an answer as possible! thank you!! and do not call me a nazi!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
-Nuclear technology was on its way (the Nazis were working on it too)
-Every war saw an advance in technology as money is poured in research without a need to make money out of it!. Put against 70 million dead a slower technology advance is not such a bad thing!. A slower tech advance would also have slowed the population growth that came thanks to mechanised agriculture and diminished our appetite for Earth's resources!.
- Women's rights did not come from WWII, they were sent back to their houses and kids as soon as the men came back, thank you very much!. It is their daughters who fought for and got those rights!.
- Overpopulation wasn't even a gleam in the economists eyes at that time!. The total world population was 2!.3 billions in 1940!. And rich countries always have a slower population growth than poor ones (in our modern times), by impoverishing a good part of the world the war contributed to a population explosion that was encouraged by the new technology!. By the same kind of calculation, a lack of medicine especially for children and women giving birth is a good thing too since it reduces the population growth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think you're listing some small things that came out of a pretty dark time in world history!. Yes, WWII was all that bad!. This is a pretty subjective question, however!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The term World War surely gives some indication that it was extremely bad time in the worlds history!.

To comment on some items on your list:
I can't see any benefit of having or using nuclear arms if there had been no war!.
Ditto for the advancements in war technology in general!.
Technology will always advance with or without world conflict!. War just accelerates the need!.

We, women would have advanced with or without the war!. The real advancements for women happened in the 1960's and 1970's!. When the men came back from the war they took their old jobs back and women went back to being housewives!.

I'm not even going to justify your last comment, on the slowing of the growth in the worlds population, with an answer!.

To me your comments are naive in the extreme!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those our small reasons though

- Women would most Likely get their rights anyway
- We would not need nuclear energy and tanks etc!. if it wasnt for war!.

Those are some real good points though, I never really thought of them till you brought them upWww@QuestionHome@Com

You should read about Darwinism!. Darwin is mentioned in many psychology books, Darwins theory of evolution!., the best way to explain his theory is that one man survives while the other suffers!. like food chains!. first come first serve(I cant think of the name right now) You can also read Dr!. Sues books, Dr sues was German his real name I think was GueiserWww@QuestionHome@Com