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Position:Home>History> What DECADE would you like to have been a part of and WHY?

Question: What DECADE would you like to have been a part of and WHY!?
They say the Rawring 20s was a very "GAY OLD TIME" after the war where people were happy and care free!. ALMOST SLAP HAPPY!!!!!!!!!! I would like to have been a part of it!. The 60s I WAS a part of and I think it was one of the most explosive decades with MUSIC and CIVIL RIGHTS and the YOUTH waking up against the establishment The SPIRTUAL MOVEMENT of eastern wisdom and hallucinegetic plants for higher conciousness!. The MUSIC the BEATLES the STONES ElVIS the MOTOWN SOUND Ray Chalres Stevie Wonder !.!.!.!.!.!.!. yes I caught the TAIL end but that was the BEST PARTWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I absolutely loved the 70's and I am very grateful my teens and early 20's were during those years - I wouldn't trade them for the world!.

However, I do agree with you, I would have loved to live in the roaring 1920's and delightful1930's in Hollywood! They were the years where I feel the best pictures were made, and the most imagination was exuded!.


Ms!. Miche ; })Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would definately choose the 1960s!. I would want to be 19/20 by 1964, so I could have joined in in the Second Battle of Hastings!. It all seemed really exciting and really my style, as I am into mod fashion and music at the moment!.

also, I could then me a decent age for the 70s and 80s!. The three best decades of the 20th Century I think :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

1750 in Virginia
1900 in St!. Louis
1860's in Virginia
1930's in the mid-westWww@QuestionHome@Com

"The Turn Of The Century" (as in 1900) I would have loved to live in NYC when it was fresh and exciting!
Or the "Roaring Twenties" Nothing like Gangster Chicago! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I lived through the awsome 60s and I would do it again in a heart beat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The 50's!.!.!.the 1850'sWww@QuestionHome@Com

Has to be the 60's!. Second Battle of Hastings, I was there every year!. Happy Days!.Www@QuestionHome@Com