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Position:Home>History> Nazi Ghettos??

Question: Nazi Ghettos!?!?
Were jews forced to live in ghettos after the Krystallnacht!?
I know that lots of people was sent to consentration camps after the Krystallnacht but I can't find out how some were in ghettos!.
How did they end up there!?

Thank you!. :-)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Some Jewish ghettos were already very well established!. The term did not have the same impact of negative connotation until the Krystallnacht!. The Warsaw ghetto for example, was a very well established community that also had the convenience of geographic disinterest for the Nazis!. As the camps were not fully established and what was in place was inundated with the new refugees taken from large external areas and villages - the ghettos were prime containment for jews until a more reasonable (from the Nazi perspective) solution could be identified) which also provided a rich source of labor for projects in the larger cities!. Jews, as their homes and properties, and businesses were comandeered, were told to pack, like with those sent to camps a single bag and their necessary assets and were ushered to the ghetto districts!. When one city's ghetto would become too full, they would move some to another city - adding to the fractioning of the community due to infiltrating with those they couldn't be familiar with or sure that they could trust!.

It was a very effective way to find resource for labor, confine population, create dissent among the population as the ghetto groups frequently had to identify for themselves those who could not work anymore, etc who needed to go to the camps!.

Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People lived in the ghettos then the same reason they do now!. They had less income or no income than they needed for better housing!.
Some people might have lived there to hide from the German authorities!.
No one was forced to live there or sent to live there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i dnt knw much but this can help

They were forced to live in the ghetto's before the germans got the idea to put them in concentration camps!.!.!.