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Position:Home>History> What were the important causes of the civil war?

Question: What were the important causes of the civil war!?
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The areas of the United States had different economies!. In the North, the economy was based on factories and wages!. Everyday people worked in the factories!. The South had large plantations, which grew cotton!. The plantation owners needed the slaves to pick the cotton!. They didn’t receive wages, but they were provided food and shelter!. In the Midwest, wheat was the number one cash crop!. It was harvested by a machine, so they didn’t need as many workers or slaves!. These different economies caused divisions in the United States!.

also, new territories were being settled!. The South wanted the new territories to be admitted to the Union as slave states!. This was to prevent the slaves from escaping into free territories!. The North wanted the new territories to be free!. Some people thought the new territories should have the right to vote whether they wanted to be free or slave!. This is called State’s Rights!. An agreement was reached called the Compromise of 1850, which lasted for three years!. In this compromise, fugitive slaves were ordered to return to their owners!. The abolitionists thought that they shouldn’t have to follow that law!.

Next, Abraham Lincoln said that slavery should be abolished!. He was elected president and South Carolina immediately seceded from the Union!. Then, six more states joined South Carolina and formed the Confederate States of America!. The South felt that Lincoln would abolish slavery and take away their economy or their way of life!. They also felt that each state had the right to vote on any law!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

pretty much one major and significant cause!.!.!.!. slavery!.!. north opposed slavery and felt it was unnecessary people should be treated equal regardless of there color/race/ethnicity!. south wanted slavery, it was free labor and helped fit in perfectly with there laborious lifestyle in the plantations and farms!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

This is a homework question!. I suggest you do the assignment YOURSELF like the teacher wants you to!. There is plenty of information on the Web to keep you busy finding answers!. You are not supposed to come here and expect others to do your homework for you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The South was greedyWww@QuestionHome@Com