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Position:Home>History> Little Bighorn vs. Wounded Knee?

Question: Little Bighorn vs!. Wounded Knee!?
Was the same 7th U!.S!. Cavalry involved in the Massacre at Wounded Knee as the Battle of Little Bighorn!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yes and no!. It was the same regiment number, but not the same men!. Those who were in the 7th at the battle of Little Big Horn were wiped out and most of those who were in the regiment under Custer but had NOT served at the battle of LBH (due to illness or deployment elsewhere that day) had left the cavalry (retirement, death, changing careers, etc!.) in the 14 years between LBH (1876) and Wounded Knee (1890)!. So, there may have been a few men who had served under Custer still in the 7th but they weren't LBH veterans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com