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Position:Home>History> Where on the Net can I find more information and photos of Alfred Waterhouse Som

Question: Where on the Net can I find more information and photos of Alfred Waterhouse Somerset Taylor!?
All I found is: "Alfred Waterhouse Somerset Taylor (born circa 1862) was well educated and was said to have run through a fortune of £45,000!. His house in Westminster was used as a meeting-place for male homosexuals!. Wilde first met Taylor in 1892!. He refused to turn Queen's Evidence against Wilde, and so shared the same fate!. After his release he lived in Canada and the U!.S!.A!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Sorry,Can't found nothing about A!.W!.S!.T,only that transcript:

You can try this site for more information and a description of what Alfred Watershouse Somerset Taylor looked like: http://books!.google!.com/books!?id=RiF42C8!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The best thing I can tell you is to type in the search bar"Alfred Waterhouse biography", or look in Wikipedia!.Www@QuestionHome@Com