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Position:Home>History> The Nazi Swastika - Why is it seen offensive to black people?

Question: The Nazi Swastika - Why is it seen offensive to black people!?
I was watching Grey's Anatomy last night and this white guy had this tattoo of the nazi swastika or cross on his stomach, and this black woman was very offended by it!. This man with the tattoo also wanted a white man in the room when he was under surgery incase this black woman did something to him!.

I know the history of the Swastika, and how Hitler took it and to us Western countries it now symbolises hatred against the Jews!. In what relation does this have the blacks!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In the american jail system, the aryan brotherhood (a neo nazi street gang) is extremely Anti black!. It is a social response by ignorant poor white kids, who banded together in an attempt to combat what they saw as the deterioration of society!. They have evolved into a nationwide prison system gang involved in protection, extortion, drug peddling, murder for hire a, and a multitude of hate crimes!. Their focus of hatred seems to be about blacks primarily, but they preach hatred of all "sub-humans"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler wanted a pure race!. Yes Jews were his target but anoyone except blonde blue eyed people were on the list to die!. It stands for hatred against all but whites!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because it has to do with hitler, and he only wanted people with blonde hair and blue eyes!.!.!.!.everyone else was a target, and ironically he had neither one of those traitsWww@QuestionHome@Com

Presumably the guy was a white supremacist, as reinforced by his comment, and she was reacting to that and not something the swastika is seen as targeting blacks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well back in world war II it was a sign of the germans, promoting their race, today the swastika is used in the U!.S!. by the neo nazis as a sign for racism, against blacks, hispanics, asians etc!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Imagine yourself living in early 20th c, America ands you had the ability to outrun other competitors in track events!. Next, setting three new world records and equaling a fourth!.

Then by the end of your sophomore year at Ohio State, and you realize that you could be successful on a more competitive level!. You entered the 1936 Olympics, which to many are known as the "Hitler Olympics!." These games were held in Nazi Germany, and Hitler was going to prove to the world that the German "Aryan" people were the dominant race!. You had different plans, however, and by the end of the games even German fans cheered for you

In spite of your success at the games the Fuhrer On the first day, Hitler shook hands only with the German victors and then left the stadium (some claimed this was to avoid having to shake hands with Cornelius Johnson and you, who were African-Americans, while a Nazi spokesman claimed that Hitler's exit had been pre-scheduled because of a previous appointment)!. Olympic committee officials then insisted Hitler greet each and every medalist or none at all!. Hitler opted for the latter and skipped all further medal presentations!.

Shamefully, at that time in America you were not offered any endorsement deals because you were black!. In an effort to provide for your family, you left school before your senior year to run professionally!. For a while you were a runner-for-hire, racing against anything from people, to horses, to motorcycles!. The ***** Baseball league often hired you to race against thoroughbred horses in an exhibition before every game!. You even raced against the some of the Major Leagues fastest ballplayers, always giving them a 10-yard head start before beating them!.

In 1976, you were awarded the highest honor a civilian of the United States can receive!. President Gerald R!. Ford awarded you with the Medal of Freedom!. You overcame segregation, racism and bigotry to prove to the world that African-Americans belonged in the world of athletics!. Several years later, on March 31, 1980, Jesse Owens, 66, died in Tucson, Arizona from complications due to lung cancer!. In recognition to his "triumphs for humanity," Owen was posthumously awarded the Congressional Gold Metal in 1990 by President George H!.W!. Bush!.

This is the true story of an African-American who was successful in his field of expertise and yet failed to reach his dreams of being able to support his family due to the prejudice of the United States!. This could have been your story and history!. is it any wonder that the swatiska of the Nazis is offensive to all African-American citizens!? It represents the totality of all the prejudice that all minorities and people deemed to be unimportant or of lesser value to the Nazi regime!. African-Americans continue to encounter prejudice and are victims of hate crimes to this day at the hands of neo-nazis and the KKK!. You ask why the swastika is a hated symbol!? Now you know!.


It is inaccurate to say that Hitler didn't hate whites!. You are confusing the principles of the NSDAP leadership with those of the Neo-Nazi groups of today!.

Here in Germany, they hate ALL foreigners!. That's a lot closer to the principles of the NSDAP leadership!. The English were an exception, as they were (and by and large are) a Germanic people!. Any non-Germanic peoples were used for a purpose (such as help win the war), but not embraced to the bosom of Hitler and his cronies!.

Frankly, I'm not sure if there even were any "blacks" in Germany at that time!. I do know that his opinion was made clear before and during the 1936 Olympic Games, which were held in München (or Munich, the Anglocized name!.)

The Swastika is a sign of hate and ignorance!. It is a sign of racism!.

Sounds to me like that man was expecting the same hate that he was projecting by having allowed himself to be tattooed with a swastika!.

I have a battle within me over this topic!. Part of me believes that everyone should have certain basic, inalienable rights regardless of what beliefs they espouse!.

Another part of me feels that if you sport a symbol of hate, you must expect to get hate in return!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


"The word "swastika" comes from the Sanskrit svastika - "su" meaning "good," "asti" meaning "to be," and "ka" as a suffix!. "Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not all nationalities recognize the swastika as a sign of hate before Hitler "borrowed" it the swastika as a sogn of good fortune and luck!. Some cultures and groups of people still see it in this manner and still paint it on barns and wear it much like some people treat the Christian cross!.

Unfortunately a lot of people use the swastika as a banner of hatred!. The US white supremacists groups use it for their Neo-Nazi propaganda !.!.!.!.what I find odd is that people choose to use the swastika as their "sign" more often and not the Waffen-SS thunder bolts (Schutzstaffel (SS))
It was the Waffen SS who rounded up jews and exterminated them!. They were feared by the common people of occupied countries!.

I personally do not find the site of the swastika as offensive or appalling!.!.!. what would send shivers down my spine is the site of a man wearing the sign of the Schutzstaffel the thunder bolts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com