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Position:Home>History> Can someone tell me about Jewish royalty in Islamic Spain?

Question: Can someone tell me about Jewish royalty in Islamic Spain!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The last member of Jewish royalty was Herod Antipater who as a Roman client king of Judaea!. Antipater the Idumaean (d!. 43 BC), like his father and grandson also known as Antipas, was the founder of the Herodian Dynasty and father of Herod the Great!. The family was from Idumaea, southeast of Judea between the Dead Sea and the Gulf of Aqaba, and which during the time of the Hebrew Bible had been known as the land of Edom, Antipater became a powerful official under the later Hasmonean kings and subsequently became a client of the Roman general Pompey the Great when Pompey conquered Judea in the name of Roman Republic!.

The Idumeans had been forcibly converted to Judaism under the Hasmoneans, so both Antipater and Herod the Great were of the Jewish faith, but were resented by the observant and nationalist Jews of Judea for their non-Jewish and Arab ancestry, their Hellenized culture, and their collusion with the Roman invaders!.

The scholarly consensus, based on Josephus' Antiquities of the Jews is that Herod died at the end of March or early April in 4 BC!. Josephus wrote that Herod died 37 years after being named as King by the Romans, and 34 years after the death of Antigonus!.

After Herod's death, his kingdom was divided among three of his sons, namely Herod Archelaus, Herod Antipas, and Herod Philip II, who ruled as tetrarchs rather than kings!.

After the fall of Jerusalem in 70 AD and the city with the Temple were destroyed many of the Jews left Jerusalem and various parts of Judea (the Diaspora or dispersion), they migrated across the known world of the time and settled in the Levant area and various other areas in Europe!.

At that time there was no nobility among the Jews and therefore it is doubtful that would have been any members of royalty in Spain during the Moslem rulse!.
