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Position:Home>History> The effect of the Great Depression on African Americans?

Question: The effect of the Great Depression on African Americans!?
ok i would like the URL if you could plz help me this is for history class thank you so MUCHWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
They already had trouble getting jobs just for being black so when there were fewer jobs they got poorer faster than the whites!. A lot of people(all colors) did as much moving around the country looking for work as they could!.You can only get so poor though, and many of the blacks of the time couldn't travel much as they didn't have money to start with!. They stayed where they were and grew food and did odd jobs!.Read "The grapes of wrath"!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The majority of the African Americans were poor!. My mother's family wasn't African American, but were poor also!. When I heard all of the stuff about the depression in school!. I mentioned what I had "learned" to my mother and she told me that only the people with something to loose or have less of even noticed the depression!. She was in her teen years then, and said that she didn't notice any difference!.Www@QuestionHome@Com