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Question: History Degree!?!?!?
I love history, but I have always been told that you can do nothing with a history degree!. Any ideas!?!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I get my degree in a month!. With the initial degree there is little you can do!. Don't do it unless you are willing to do a masters or Phd afterwards!. if you do that you can be an archivist, a curator, a researcher, teacher, lecturer!. It's also quite handy for international relations and law!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


You can be a librarian!. you can teach!. you can probably end up designing textbooks!. write biographies or other books!. or you can be more hands on and be an anthropologist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can do a lot with a History degree!. Consider the skills that a historian picks up:

1!. Research - You're pulling data from a variety of sources, both primary and secondary, such as newspaper articles and advertisements, personal correspondence, diaries, journals, account books, etc!.

2!. Analysis - Once you have the data, what does it mean!? It needs to be evaluated, and put into the larger context!.

3!. Writing/Communication - Once your analysis is complete, you have to be able to communicate your findings in a clear and persuasive manner; the term 'history' contains the word 'story'!.

4!. Organization - There's a lot of data to be gathered, and it needs to be sorted coherently before it can be analysed!.

All of these skills are in demand!. Some options might be Law, Financial Analysis, or Publishing, but don't feel limited!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let's see!. Becoming a history teacher certainly isn't doing nothing!. Then there's being a museum currator!. Some folks have pointed out that lawyers sometimes need an understanding of history to help them in their cases, presumably this is due to the fact that some times they need to bring up historic cases and understand the world in which the cases occured!. Then there's being a consultant for TV shows and movies that strive for at least some historical accuracy!. And ofcourse there's always writing books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com