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Position:Home>History> A question about SCLC term paper?

Question: A question about SCLC term paper!?
I took balck American History and I did good job during the previous semester and now the final job is to write a term paper about SCLC organization!. But I'm an international student and know nothing about American history and I dont know what should I write about it!. Could any of you guys who are good at history give me a suggestion about this paper!? what should I write!? I really need to do a good job on this paper to ensure that I can get an A this course!. Add me suirenwhoo@yahoo!.com to talk with me!. I appreciated your help!. Outline is preferable!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A good idea would be to begin with who the SCLC were, when they began etc, you will easily find this on wikipedia!. Then you could choose to write about the impact they had on Civil rights movement!. For example, go through the action they took, perhaps chronologically and explain whether each action was an overall success or not and why!.

E!.g!. the student sit ins in places like greensboro, explain what happened, why it happened, impact, significance and then conlude whether it was a sucess or failure!.

Do this for all the actions the SCLC were involved in

Tehn conlude with how important they were overall!.Www@QuestionHome@Com