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Position:Home>History> In the early 1800s in upper canada stores, what was sold?ANSWER!?

Question: In the early 1800s in upper canada stores, what was sold!?ANSWER!!?
What did the stores of upper canada sell during the early 1800s!? How much were some of the items!? Can you buy water too!? where do the wealthy get their water!? Did they get there water from the rivers like the poor villagers or buy there water!? PLEASE TELL ME SOURCESWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You didn't need to buy water then - it was uncontaminated!. Water was drawn from rivers but more often, people simply dug wells in their back yards and pumped their water from the well!.
Stores in Upper Canada in the early 1800s sold guns, ammunition, beaver traps, dress goods (most clothing was sewn by seamstresses so the stores sold fabric and finishings - like buttons - rather than pre-made garments) shoes, farm implements like shovels and hoes and rakes and harrows, horse harnesses, buggy whips, and foodstuffs like tea, sugar, flour, candy etc!. Most people kept a few chickens so you didn't buy eggs at the store, and they had a cow so they didn't buy milk!.
If you want info on the stores, you could try googling up some of the older newspapers, such as the Toronto Globe and Mail, and see if you can access their library to see actual pages with the advertisements on them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com