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Question: Imperialism Question 2!!?
How did Japan avoid extensive Western interference, while China did not!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Japan under the Tokugawa shogunate closed Japan to most foreign interaction, the Jesuits having supported the losing side!. After the Opening of Japan, Meiji Japan embarked upon its own modernization and Westernization programs, hiring Western experts to assist with the program!. Following the adoption of a new Constitution in 1889, America and the European Powers ended their rights for their citizens to be tried in Western courts!. With Japan's victory over China in 1895, Japan was accepted as another of the "civilized" nations being one of the Powers involved in responding to the Boxer Rebellion!. Japan's victory in the Russo-Japanese War sealed its position as a Power!.

Whereas Japan had a mostly singular response with a determination to modernize, internal politics in China were divided over the best course of response!. The attitude that China was the center of the world inhibited efforts to modernize so that China fell further behind by failing to keep up with the technological progress of the Western Powers and Japan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com