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Position:Home>History> I need to write an essay of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony having a discussion on

Question: I need to write an essay of Julius Caesar and Mark Antony having a discussion on!.!.!.!.!.!.!?!?!?
!.!.!.!.!.!.!.the after math of Caesars assassination!.How would I do this!? And what would I have them talk about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
If they are having a discussion AFTER Caesar's assassination, who was Antony talking to !.!.!. !? Caesar's ghost!? We all know Julius Caesar was stabbed to death by certain Roman Senators such as Brutus in front of the statue of Pompey in the Senate!.

I think an interesting discussion they would have is about Caesar's successor!. According to Caesar's will, the person who would inherit his titles, fortune, probably his position was his nephew Octavian!. Caesar did have a son -- Ptolemy Caesar, called Caesarion -- by the Egyptian Queen Cleopatra, who perhaps had a more rightful claim to Caesar's inheritance!. Many historians speculate Caesar did not choose Caesarion because he knew the Roman people would not be happy being ruled by a half-Egyptian (actually half-Macedonian - since the death of Alexander the Great, Egypt was ruled by a Macedonian Greek family called the Ptolemy Dynasty)!. I think Caesar imagined that Octavian would rule the Roman Empire, the world's "super-power" at that time and Caesarion would become the Pharoah of Egypt, which was a rich and important kingdom at that time, thanks to Cleopatra who built up her country's might from years of corruption and decay!.

That was not to be!. Octavian (later called Caesar Augustus) perceived Caesar's son as a threat to his throne, and knew the lad had to be killed!. Cleopatra made an alliance with Mark Antony (the two had fallen in love and had a relationship) and they may have believed if they played their cards right they could defeat Octavian, and combine Rome and Egypt into the greatest empire since Alexander the Great and rule the world together!. Cleopatra knew her own shortcomings - she was an intellectually brilliant woman who spoke nine languages - as well Antony's weaknesses !.!.!. she realized she was playing a very risky game, and by her suicide we see she was prepared for defeat!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, seeing that Caesar was dead, I don't really understand how that would work!.

I think they would discuss the way Brutus, a good friend of Caesar's, was one of the assassins!. Maybe they would talk about Cleopatra, since they both ended up with her!.

By the way, its "aftermath," one word!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Search for info relating to Caesar's death, why it took place and the effects of it on Rome afterwards!. I would have Antony talk about the aftermath, after all he was still alive as Caesar was the dead one!. Then have Caesar say things like, "well, that never would have happened under my rule if I was still alive," or something like that!. Make it like Antony was talking with the dead Caesar about all the happenings after he died!. Make it like a conversation!. (if that's what your teacher is looking for)Www@QuestionHome@Com