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Position:Home>History> How did Napoleon bring himself into the Coup d'etat in 1799 by his own speec

Question: How did Napoleon bring himself into the Coup d'etat in 1799 by his own speech!?
need it for some history homework :SWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
While in Egypt, Bonaparte stayed informed on European affairs by relying on the irregular delivery of newspapers and dispatches!. On 23 August 1799, he set sail for France, taking advantage of the temporary departure of British ships blockading French coastal ports!. Although he was later accused of abandoning his troops, the Directory ordered his departure, as France had suffered a series of military defeats to Second Coalition forces, and a possible invasion of French territory loomed!.

By the time he returned to Paris in October, a series of French victories meant an improvement in the previously precarious military situation!. The Republic was bankrupt, however, and the corrupt and inefficient Directory was more unpopular than ever with the French public!.

Bonaparte was approached by one of the Directors, Emmanuel Joseph Sieyès, seeking his support for a coup d'état to overthrow the constitutional government!. The plot included Bonaparte's brother Lucien (then serving as speaker of the Council of Five Hundred), Roger Ducos, another Director, and Talleyrand!. On 9 November (18 Brumaire) and the following day, troops led by Bonaparte seized control of and dispersed the legislative councils, leaving a legislative rump to name Bonaparte, Sieyès, and Ducos as provisional Consuls to administer the government!. Although Sieyès expected to dominate the new regime, he was outmaneuvered by Bonaparte, who drafted the Constitution of the Year VIII and secured his own election as First Consul!. This made Bonaparte the most powerful person in France, powers that were increased by the Constitution of the Year X, which declared him First Consul for life!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


I'm sure of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com