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Position:Home>History> Moses Floated Down the Nile who Knows were He ~started~ and were he~ ended..?

Question: Moses Floated Down the Nile who Knows were He ~started~ and were he~ ended!.!.!?
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I do!.

But, as usual, it's all wrong in the bible!.

If the Israelites were actually in Egypt, then it's quite likely that they were around the Nile Delta region!. The seat of Egyptian power would have been upstream from there!.

If Moses had been put in a basket in the Nile, he should have floated out to sea!. He could have ended up in Greece and then Jewish tradition would have been entirely different!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

on the shoreWww@QuestionHome@Com

While I would agree with The "Lipsiot" that Moses was probably put into the Nile in the Delta region (specifically "Goshen") it seems to me that he is too quick to say that the Bible is wrong!. First, Jochebed, Moses' mother, did not place him in the fast flowing part of the river but in the reeds by the side of the river!. Second, she put Moses sister Miriam on the shore to watch what happened to him, so she wasn't expecting him to go far!. Third, it is possible that Pharaoh's daughter was in the habit of coming there to bathe and Jochebed might have known this !. Fourth, It is not certain that the seat of power was at Thebes at this time, the site of the Hyksos town of Avaris in the Nile Delta was previously their capital and there are indications that it was occupied down to the time of Ramesses II who made it his capital, at the very least there may have been a royal palace there!. I do not claim to know the exact dating for the period before the Exodus, (though I think the commonly held date in the reign of Ramesses II is too late) but there is an interesting site below that says Hapshetsut may have been the daughter of Pharaoh mentioned!.

Tanks gave you a great and detailed account!. The only thing I would add is that there can be confusion as to where the palace was since Egyptian Royal Families often had more than one palace!. There were favorite places for various times of the year!.Www@QuestionHome@Com