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Question: First Alphabet!?
who created the first alphabet!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It seems to have been either ancient Greeks or the Phoenicians!.
Ancient Egypt and China don't count because they used pictograms at that point and they represented ideas instead of sounds at first, only becoming phonetic and representing sounds much later than the Phoenician system!.
I think most people would place the Phoenician alphabet as first!.
Here is a short page on it!.

Maybe the first people on earth which is the homosapiens!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hm!.!.!.i think the latin or roman or greek alphabet was first!.!.!.but im not sure!.!.!.


No one really knows!. Almost every ancient culture developed its own alphabet - the Greek, the Roman, the Chinese, the Mayan, the Phoenecian, the Sumarian - but which was first, and who created it, is hard to say!.
It it likely, too, that the first written 'words' were like the pictographs devised by the American Indians (and other early cultures) where a picture symbolized something!. It wasn't exactly writing, but it was the transitional step between speech and writing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Letters found by Babylonians and Sumarian in the country and led Rafidain in Iraq!.Www@QuestionHome@Com
