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Position:Home>History> Rosponsible government in 1800's?

Question: Rosponsible government in 1800's!?
What is your opinion about it, be serious please!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Under Andrew Jackson 7th President of the United States (1829–1837)!. We had the most responsible government ever!. Andrew Jackson was hated, he fired people, forced them to quit as dueling was still legal and he would threaten to duel some member from congress or the senate and kill them is they did not look out for the common man!. That was his them, he was the only president that looked out for the common man!. He open the white house so people, anybody could visit him and talk to him!. He was a treated his cabinet like crap and pretty much all government, because they were not looking out for the common man!. But his harshness and death threats which he carried out two duals to the death!. So they new he was serious!. Now it is not politically correct and/or legal!. But under him we has a responsible government!.
Why!? He believed in never owing anyone money!. He is the only president in history, we had no national debt, no trade deficit, we owed no country any money and had a huge surplus!. That is why they name the entire time after one president, Jacksonian Democracy!.
We have never had a period before or since we have been totally debt free and countries owed us money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

rosponsible government!? what is that!?Www@QuestionHome@Com