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Position:Home>History> Britannic???????????????

Question: Britannic!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?
what is it!? what does it look like!? i it a ship!? when was it build!? did it sink (if it was a ship)!? why!? why!? why!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The White Star Line commissioned three almost identical ships from the Harland and Wolfe yards in Belfast!.

The first to be launched was the Olympic in 1911!. Despite two serious collisions in her career she was in service for 24 years!. She was retired in 1935 and broken up for scrap in 1937!.

The Titanic was launched in 1912 and sank the same year!.

The Gigantic, still on the blocks when the Titanic sank, was renamed Britannic before her launch in 1914!. Whilst still under construction she was taken over by the Royal Navy and used as a hospital ship during the First World War!. In December 1915 she struck a mine (or was possibly torpedoed) off the Greek siland of Kea and sank!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yes, it was a ship!.!.!. it looked similar to the titanic, and built shortly after the titanic was completed!. I dont think it sank, but here's a webpage that has all the information, from size, to security features!. There's even a picture!.


I've never heard of a Britannic !. !. !. the titanic was a huge ship that sunk when it hit an iceburg !. !. !. heres what wikipedia brought up on Britannic http://en!.wikipedia!.org/wiki/BritannicWww@QuestionHome@Com

It was Titannic's "sister-ship" and not as big as Titanic!. It was sunk by the Germans during WWII, while serving as a hospital ship, meaning it had sick and injured on board!.


The Britannic was one of two sister ships (that means built and designed like) of the Titanic!.It was supposed to be a luxury passenger ship but the start of WWI changed the plan!.She was painted white and fitted out as a hospital ship!.She sank after either hitting a mine or a torpedo in the Aegean Sea during the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com