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Position:Home>History> Earliest "I remember he remembered"?

Question: Earliest "I remember he remembered"!?
Someone I know remembers his grandmother telling how her grandfather told her how he heard about the end of the Crimean War!. Any other examples!?

PS!. I originally used the term 'orally-transmitted' in the title and YA wanted to list it under STDs LOL!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
My grandmother told me that her grandfather had been to the wedding of Abraham Lincoln and Mary Todd as his sweetheart was cousin to Mary Todd!. That cousin is my great great grandmother!.

Mary was a tiny thing!. And him such a big fella!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My Dad used to drive a cab in the 60s and took a lady from DC to NY who was talking about her daddy and the war!.!.!.!.took him awhile to realize she was talking about the Civil WarWww@QuestionHome@Com