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Position:Home>History> How did Hillary know that Bills true political affiliation on their wedding nigh

Question: How did Hillary know that Bills true political affiliation on their wedding night!?
He very much leaned to the left!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
he did not inhale!.!.!.!.!.!.!.his own words ,not mine!.!.!.oh gosh that was the cigar thing and monika!.!.!.!. and where he inserted it or didnt!.!.!.man i quit smoking after that!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't understand your question: "How did Hillary know that Bills true political affliation on their wedding night"!? This is not even a complete sentence!Www@QuestionHome@Com

"That depends on what the meaning of the word 's' is!."

"I did not have sex with that woman"!.
(quotes from Bill Clinton)Www@QuestionHome@Com