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Position:Home>History> When was the last time war was fought on American soil?

Question: When was the last time war was fought on American soil!?
Do you think this affects the ease with which America goes to wars!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
it depends on which historian you want to listen to!. the last actual war that was fought on american soil was the civil war!. however, that didn't include anyone from a foreign country so some historians don't include the civil war in an actual war, its stupid!. some historians will say ww2 due to the pearl harbor bombing and the taking of attu and kiska islands by the japanese in 1942!. i however disagree with this theory!. those were battles fought on american soil, not a war!. then you have the mexican-american war in 1847-1848 that involved texas, and new mexico!. then you have some that say the war of 1812 was the last war fought entirely on american soil that involved a foreign power!.
i do not think this affects how the u!.s!. gets involved in any kind of conflict!. the main reason we are involved in so many conflicts and wars is due to the fact that we are the only nation that has the industrial base and the manpower to alter the outcomes of most wars!. if you read history, you'll see that most of the time we get involved is when we are attacked by an outside power, such as ww1 and ww2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In World War II, bombs created in Japan and sent into the atmosphere detonated on the West coast!. Japan also invaded and captured an island off the Alaskan coast!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Depending on your point of view, that would be Sep 11, 2001!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we technically weren't at war in wwII
it was 1812 when british troops actually
came here to fight in the war of 1812Www@QuestionHome@Com