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Position:Home>History> Who built AlHambra palace?

Question: Who built AlHambra palace!?
and can someone sum up how it left the possesion of the muslims!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It was built over several centuries by the Muslim rulers of al-Andalus (the Moorish Muslim name for their territories in Spain [a variant of the Latin name Lusitania])!. The sultans Yusuf (Joseph) I and Muhammad V completed and renovated it in the late 14th century!. It was conquered by Queen Isabella of Castile and her husband King Ferdinand of Aragon when they expelled the remaining Moors (and other non-Chrisitans) in 1492!. That was after a century of warfare in which the Catholic rulers of the Iberian peninsula (two major and several lesser kingdoms) conquered the Muslim lands in Spain while gradually consolidating their own dynasties through intermarriage!. (Isabella and Ferdinand were the first monarchs to rule essentially all of what is now Spain, though their grandson/heir Carlos/Charles was the first to have the title King of Spain and make al-Hambra his official palace- after doing major renovation/remodelling/expansion to it- so it's never really been "complete"!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com