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Position:Home>History> How did Franco's Spain affect America in the early 20th century?

Question: How did Franco's Spain affect America in the early 20th century!?
I'm trying to write a research paper for American Literature and now we have to figure out how Franco's Spain contributed to American society and related topics like politics, economy, and what not!. I've been reading articles about franco's spain and i can't find a lot on one particular subject!. Any help!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Actually it had very little impact on American society, Franco only winning in 1939!.

However some American Communists did volunteer to fight for The Republic in the Lincoln Brigade and Hemingway wrote of the Spanish Civil War in For Whom the Bell Tolls!. John Dos Passos was a war correspondent covering the Spanish Civil War, but America was deeply isolationist, determined not to become involved in European wars!. Even the bombing of Geurnica in 1937 provided but a brief spark of interest and outrage that soon faded into an even greater determination to not get involved in European affairs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com