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Position:Home>History> History Buffs, what do you think of when I say this?

Question: History Buffs, what do you think of when I say this!?
"The Individual in History!."

I just lost at state National History Day today and I can't stop thinking about what next year's theme is!. I do this because I'm supposed to but maybe I can get it done in early summer and not have to worry about it in the fall!. In our schools, you have to do this for a grade!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are thousands of examples in history where an individual person has redirected the course of human events or made a mark so significant that they will be remembered for all recorded time!. From Abraham, to Ashurbanipal, to Aristotle, to Alexander, to Attila the Hun, to !.!.!.!. Niel Armstrong; just to name a few 'A's!.

History is made up of the stories of individuals!. And it is individuals that direct the course of human events, both good and not so good!.

Individual heroes have stood up against great forces and driven forward an appreciation of the rights of man!.

Think about who you think might be the top 10 individuals that have directed the course of human events!. Why do they come to mind!? They are not all Kings, right!? I think Plato and Pythagorus had as much an impact as any of the Planteganets!.

So, that's what the theme says to me!. I'm glad you are thinking about it now!.

Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Modernist and boring!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

How people don't really think that they are in history and history is only history when someone writes what they want people to think was history in a book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I lost at the Texas state National History Day competition also!

I am already thinking about next years, and what I've came up with was things like
Martin Luther King - an individual fighting against society

Think of times that you know of when one person stood up against a more powerful group of people!. Think of people who have made a difference!.

Black History involves a lot of these people
During some wars certain Generals have made a move that changed the outcome of the war
Dictators are individuals that change History, and other things like that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

bobby kennedy!. everything reminds me of bobby kennedyWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think that would be an outstanding topic! One that you could present with conviction and clarity!.

The government with it placing all of us in categories and sub- categories (such as Males v!. Females, White Males v, Black Males, Females under 30 v!. Females over 30, young v!. old, etc) for statistical purposes (intended or not intended) has transformed "united, majority rules society" into an "Individualism" society!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm confused!. IS this what you have to do next year!? Or are you guessing!? If you're guessing - please wait until you know for sure!. In ANY event, please wait a little while until you have a better understanding of why and how you lost today!. Maybe speak to your History teacher about it - he/she should be able to help you - and if they won't - find one who will!. This should help you!. I think the loss is too fresh in your head to let you approach NEXT YEAR'S question appropriately!.

My first guess would be to pick a person who interests you and do a bit of reading about that person over the summer!. I hope I've helped, but you really haven't given us much to work with!.
Please think about it and come back and ask again!.
We each have our own Historical Personage WE think is the most important - or, if you want to get a little funky with them - go with "the anyman" approach!. Anyone can pick Lincoln, Washington, Hitler, Churchill, et al!. Not everyone thinks of the guy working in the shipyard!. You could do a lot with that and I'll bet not a lot of others will think of it!.
I'm rambling now, but you really haven't given us enough to work with!.
E-Mail me if you want, once you've figured it out!.
Good luck! Don't worry!

WHAT QUOTE!? "The Individual in History!."!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Five men come to mind:

Jesus of Nazareth

Saul of Tarsus (St!. Paul)

(St!.) Augustine of Hippo

Dr!. Martin Luther


Dr!. Albert Schweitzer

All were pivotal figures in the development of world thought and religionWww@QuestionHome@Com