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Position:Home>History> Why did the united states enter WWI?

Question: Why did the united states enter WWI!?
how did the balance of powers shift in the world after WWI!? what did the winners win!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Good question, after a review of history, the reason to enter the war seems lacking!. Repulsion of German submarine "unrestricted warfare" and the believing of the British propaganda about the German's actions during the war most likely greatly contributed!.
The Axis powers simply could not compete with the industrial might of the US and the addition of up to 1 millions new soldiers on the Western Front!. Germany food sources were severely restricted by the British blockade and their ability to support the troops in the field with basics!.
also, the Germans did not have the personnel to replace the casualties on the front and could not sustain their casuality rate with the addition of American troops!.
Both sides won an Armistice, neither side admitting to losing!. However, the 'punishment' imposed by the treaty, especaily France, create the environment that allowed Hitler and the Nazi's to rise to power in post war Germany!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because we were bomed pearl harbor so we were getting pay back!Www@QuestionHome@Com