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Position:Home>History> During Mussolini's reign before the second world war, was Italy prosperous?

Question: During Mussolini's reign before the second world war, was Italy prosperous!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Like everyone else, they were in the great depression, which was a world wide affair!.

But the fascist doctrine of the state controlling all the levers of industry allowed Mussolini to marshall whatever recources he needed to begin his huge infrstructure projects!. This created jobs!. (Just like we were doing in the US, with the WPA and TVA projects, generating jobs!.)

The campaigns in Libya and Abbysinia led to a significant increase in trade!.

The overheating of the German economy in the late thirties created a huge job market for Italians!. Many went to work in German factories!.

So by the beginning of the war they were doing ok!.

Italy was a third rate power at the beginning of WW1!. So their production capacity was not on the level of Germany's or Britain's!.

Hope that helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Italy was doing "okay" at Wars outbreak!. As they say, Mussolini made the trains run on time!.
They were recovering from the Depression the same way Germany did - War Production - their alignment with Germany didn't hurt either!. They certainly were doing better than those Countries that didn't break the agreements made at Versailles!.
Prosperous!? No!.Www@QuestionHome@Com