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Position:Home>History> Did Hitler purposely lose the war?

Question: Did Hitler purposely lose the war!?
There is a video on Youtube how Hitler purposely lost the war!. Is there any other sources you could provide like books that show this to be true, maybe even quoations from Hitler!?

Thank you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, I dont think Hitler lost the war on purpose, it only seems that way because of the insane decisions he made !. Invading hated Russia while he had a war front in the west of Europe, declaring war on the U!.S!. after the Japs bombed Pearl, wasting 10% of his forces rounding up the Jews, and another 15% occupying conquered countries, paying no heed to his Generals, who were acknowledged the brightest and most capable in the world, commiting thousands of his troops to the Balkans to bail out his ally Mussolini,on and on he went in his mad folly, listening to no one and castigating or shooting anyone who disagreed with him!.,especially with his brainless stand on Stalingrad, which turned into nothing but a slaughterhouse and a meat-grinder for his starving, freezing troops, but on which he would not give an inch in spite of the best advice and counsel from his Generals, who knew it was nothing but a waste to continue the "war between two camps of rats", as they called it!. It isn't hard to conceptualize that Hitler threw the war until you consider all these things!. This was a man who thought himself the present-day Napoleon and who during his only visit to conquered France stood motionless and speechless while staring at Napoleon's tomb in Paris for an hour!. Once the invasion of Normandy in the west and the Russian advances in the east came to bear at the same time,Hitler and his Nazi cronies were doomed and if at the end he made even worse mistakes in judgement than ever, it was because by that time he was pretty well insane if, in fact, he wasn't from the start, and not, I believe, because he was trying to throw the game!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I seriously doubt that, the war meant everything to him and when he saw his sick dream die he knew he had to go with it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No, right up until a couple hours before he committed suicide people were still bringing him patently false reports of how well things were going!. People were scared of him!. His aids lied to him for months because he had a way of being disagreeable that could affect your whole family!. He simply would not believe he could lose the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well, kinda!. If you count shooting yourself and ur wife of 1 day as intentionally doing something!. uh-YA!Www@QuestionHome@Com