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Position:Home>History> Results of world war I?

Question: Results of world war I!?
ok, so what were the political, economic, and social results of world war i in:


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
At the end of WW1 the president of the USA (Wilson) proposed a peace settlement to prevent future wars but Britain and France wanted to make Germany suffer!. Under the Treaty of Versailles Germany had to surrender colonies and border territory including industrial areas and had to accept full war guilt and pay war reparations to Britain & France!. This made Germany bankrupt and very bitter as they were not allowed to join the League of Nations either!. Wilson did not want part of it all so the USA remained in isolation and was loaning Germany money to pay reparations!. All countries involved were financially ruined, and the relations between Germany and the rest of Europe was strained as she was very resentful and bitter - this led to WW2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

All of these countries struggled with government, which led to the great depression and World War 2!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Germany was divided big time: Poland, Czechoslovakia, Slovakia are just a few countries that came out of Germany

England's military was cut in half by the battle of Somme

France was not necessarily damaged much

Russia dropped out of the war because of rebellion in their own country

US came out unharmed nearlyWww@QuestionHome@Com