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Position:Home>History> When would germany have finished making the atomic bomb during the world war 2?

Question: When would germany have finished making the atomic bomb during the world war 2!?
i heard they were working on it but with slow progress compared with usa!. if usa didnt enter the war then who and when would germany have nuked!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
THE HEROES OF TELEMARK were also partly responsible for Germany's failure to create an atomic bomb, as they were smuggled into Norway and given orders to destroy a heavy water plant that the Germans needed for research into an atomic bomb!.




You are making an assumption that they would have!. If the US didn't enter the war, would the Germans have won anyway!. This question has no true answer as it is hypothetical!. More than likely, if it were used, it would have been used against Russia or Japan (as they would inevitably have clashed)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

very few people know the real answer to your question, our government and military are still in the secret business!. there
are somethings that are better left to those who need to know!. personally, i believe they were closer than we knew, the german's are pretty smart technology wise, i thank God
we got there first or we wouldn't be writing right now!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Germans were losing ground on building an atomic weapon late in the war!.There is an interesting conspiracy theory that the chief scientists in charge of the research, due to their less than enthusiastic feelings towards the Nazis, over stated the cost and complexity of the project in order to purposely slow progress and delay the building of a bomb!.

Germany might have won the war if the US had not gotten involved ONLY if Hitler had kept his non-aggression treaty with Stalin until the West fell!.Then if after that a bomb was developed they would have used it against the major Russian cities!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

If it wasn't down to a small band of norweigans in the town of telemark in blowing up 1stly the hydro plant for making heavy water and then the blowing up a small ferry, and train carrying the heavy water in a norweigan fjord, sinking it in the deepest part of the fjord, the Germans may have had an atom bomb, up to a year before the Americans!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com