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Question: Suez Crisis!?
What was the suez Crisis!?

(did Canada play a part that you know of!?)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
In1956 President Nasser of Egypt nationalised the Suez Canal which meant that the British/French company which owned it lost all their income from it!.
Britain and France entered into a secret agreement with Israel that Israel would attack the Canal Zone and then British and French troops would invade on the pretext of separating to two sides!.
This happened in October/November and the whole thing was a humiliation for Britain and France as the Egyptians resisted strongly, the UN condemned the invasion and they were forced to pull out after suffering some casualties!.!.
The secret agreement only came to light years later!.
Canada played no part as far as I knowWww@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe the Canadians play much of a part in anything except for hockey!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

More or less as above but the Egyptians didn't 'resist strongly', they folded up under the attacks!.
The problem was that the British and French didn't ask America for permission, and President Eisenhower, who sought to hose down conflict in the Middle East, was not happy!.
The British and French forces, having suffered very few casualties, were forced to return in humiliation after the US used financial and military/commercial pressure to bear on her NATO allies!. Both nations were heavily in debt to the US for all those tanks and planes they bought!.
Canada would have taken a side in this internal NATO conflict one way or the other!.Www@QuestionHome@Com