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Position:Home>History> Old West teenagers?

Question: Old West teenagers!?
What was life like for teenagers in the old west!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I can say by researching family history, the ancestors of mine who were teens in the "old west" helped their father with livestock and planting crops, etc!. Even when they were migrating, one or two boys would ride ahead to arrange for passage through ranches etc!. and feed, supplies and the like for livestock and humans while others remained back to help drive the herd!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Those in their teen years back then worked!. They grew up faster and by their early teens, if they weren't in school, they worked just like an adult!. The concept of teenagers as you know it today was actually invented by America after WW2 and the start of rock and roll!. Before WW2 and back, there was no such thing as a teen as you know them to be!. The closest was the during the Roaring 20's when young people grooved to the big bands!.Www@QuestionHome@Com