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Position:Home>History> Who do you admire the most...........?

Question: Who do you admire the most!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!?
out of anyone in history and why!? Please be specific and give examples :)
And also, please include your zodiac sign so I can better understand my course of study!. Thank you :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Seems the people I admire most are saints!. Like Theresa of Avila, Theresa of Lisieux, St!. Francis, St!. John of the Cross, St!. Margaret of Scotland, Joan of Arc, St!. Bernadette, etc!. All of them, not because they were perfect people, which they weren't, but because they climbed to that place somewhere between here and God - which I believe is terribly difficult to achieve emotionally!. I couldn't do it!. They attained an understanding of God and of the human condition, and of prayer life, which few attain!. I guess I am jealous of the things they came to know - the truths they grasped!. What I wouldn't give for that wisdom!.

The other people I admire - Alfred the Great, Aethelstan, Queen Aethelfleda ( "Lady of the Mercians" ), I admire because they showed enormous physical courage and wisdom in times of peril!.

I guess what all these people have in common is an understanding of something beyond themselves, an understanding of their own place in history, and of God!.

I'm an Aries, several planets in fire signs, moon in Aquarius!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Abraham Lincoln greatest man ever period!. I read a book about the civil war and of course it talked a lot about the leaders!. lincoln was patient with his country, he held strong to his beliefs through the toughest times, he was kind by nature and stern when he had to be, he was intelligent and hardworking, and he helped to keep our nation together

i forgot what the title of the book was called, but it was part of a series of books that were like a timeline of America's history!.

As a Christian I do not believe in astrology, but if you must know, i am an aquarius!.

I can't believe i didn't think to include Jesus Christ when i just came home frome church!. Him too, cuz he's completely good and perfect and selfless!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Out of US history, i admire George Washington the most!. The existence of this country as we know it today would not be possible without his contributions and selflessness!. Throughout the history of the world, I would say Jesus Christ!. Because of him, there is a true religion and some followers who are good souls because of the religion he has started!. Sorry, too lazy to list examples but shouldnt be too hard to research i think!. I'm a cancer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

here are a few people I admire:

Martin Luther!. He took on the corrupt Catholic Church at the height of its power!. And won!.

Ghandi!. He took on the corrupt British Empire at the height of its power!. And won!.

Alexander!. he took on the corrupt Persian Empire at the height of its power!. And won!.

I think it should be quite easy for you to dig up some detail on any one of these fine men!.

!.!.!.and I am a Scorpion, with the ascendant in Leo, and my Moon in aquarius, Born in the Year of the Dragon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Abe Lincoln!. He had to deal with Congress, Insubordinate Generals, The South, the death of his favorite son, And most of all Mart Todd, his wife!. Who was crazy!. Plus he was depressed and his health declined considerably throughout his presidency!. All to be shot on April14th, 1865!. My sign is Capricorn, born Jan 17th!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I admire the personalities of the European Imperators in Mediavality - f!.e!. the Rudolphs /I and II/ as they build the base of good Europe from today and perhaps I am from a country suffered from some historical unhappiness!.
I am a LIbra sign!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I used to admire priests!. I'm a Gemini and I pretty much fit my profile of Gemini!.Www@QuestionHome@Com