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Position:Home>History> I am a full blown American and in love with a terrorist in a foreign country...

Question: I am a full blown American and in love with a terrorist in a foreign country!.!.!. what do I do!?
I must have had a major fall in my life, hrmph!.!. I am about to tell them all Miracles do happen!.! HAHAHA !.!.!. okay okay!.!. anyhow I was just a peace loving centaurion!.!.!. and ye know!.!.!. I am in love with both of them!.!.!. saying (ARABIA is Arabia no matter what "situation between two arabic countries not getting along") they are all at war when they really arent!.!.!. oh by the way why are our Americans there in a country that is ONE!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
strap on a bomb and give him a hug!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It ain't funny Denise!. You have just convicted yourself as being sympathetic to terrorist activities!. You can't be loyal to America and still have feelings of love for a terrorist, whether Arabic or anything else!. But perhaps it is the way you reported your situation that is not clear!. It does seem disjointed in its meaning!.

If I say "shoot yourself" am I gonna get kicked-off!?!?

Do you think people are literate enough to realize that this is the History category!?!? Or did we get crossed with Philosophy (or Socio-Psychology!?) somehow!?

Go find yourself some nice red-neck and settle-down!. If you fall for people that easily, I'm sure I could fix you up with someone!. Just email your age and I'll send some wholesome, red-blooded American your way!. ::chuckles::Www@QuestionHome@Com

First stop trying to translate and speak ENGLISH if you are an American!. This is a jumbled mess to read if you ask me!. also what the hell do you mean why are Americans in a country that is one!? One what!? Which Country!? We are in Saudi Arabia because their royal family WANTED us there!. Just because the people don't they pretend they aren't big fans of the U!.S!. being there, but really it is their idea!. So anyway I'd say you aren't an American because you don't speak our language, and you aren't an American if you are "in love" with our enemy!. I'd say you are either from another country and claiming you are an American, or you are about 15!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well do you care about your country more or some terrorist!.Www@QuestionHome@Com