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Position:Home>History> What should I collect?

Question: What should I collect!?
I like History!. I do not know if i should collect
full armour sets
cheat plates
other(whatever you think of)

I am young!. Very young!. I do not have much money, about 4-500 bucks!. I LOVE history, roundiong around the medieval and romen era's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You love what I love - early medieval/dark age history!. That would be from the end of the Roman era to about 1000 AD!.

I have scouted Ebay from time to time and found some cool coins!. There are a few good dealers there!. Make sure the coins come with certificates of authenticity!. Some are pretty economical, and date from the Roman era, through medieval/renaissance!.!.!. (Medieval is 500-1400, roughly; later than 1450 is Renaissance)!.

Armour and weapons is expensive if you want to buy anything that will increase in or hold its value!. Another thing you could collect that is really interesting is religious art objects - crosses and crucifixes, boxes for Bibles, etc!. also check Ebay for jewelry, particular rings, from the medieval era!.

Look at Amazon too - there are books available about collecting coins/weapons/whatever!. The more educated you are about buying, the less likely you are to waste money or be cheated!.

Good luck and have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com


One of the things to consider is space!. What space do you have to store your collectibles!? If it is limited then full armour sets is out!. There are laws about selling weapons to minors!. Coins are rather exciting but really study up first to avoid frauds and really know the worth of each type!. also study on how to identify counterfeits!.
What about starting with a book collection on your favourite era!? This will aid your studies, help you to see what most interests you and can be valuable in and of itself!.
Good luck from one history buff to another!Www@QuestionHome@Com