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Question: The diary of Ann Frank!?
What was Ann franks life like!? who was she!? What was her main goal!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Anne Frank's world famous diary charts two years of her life from 1942 to 1944, when her family were hiding in Amsterdam from German Nazis!. The diary begins just before the family retreated into their 'Secret Annexe'!. Anne Frank recorded mostly her hopes, frustrations, clashes with her parents, and observation of her companions!. Its first version, which appeared in 1947, was edited by Anne's father, who removed certain family references and some of her highly intimate confessions!.
Anne Frank was born in Frankfurt, Germany!. The Frank's family business included banking, management of the springs at Bad Soden and the manufacture of cough drops!. Anne's mother, the former Edith Holl?nder, was the daughter of a manufacturer!. She had married Otto Frank in 1925!. Their first daughter, Margot Betti, born in 1926, was followed by Anneliese Marie, called Anne, in 1929!. After the Nazis won in national elections in 1932, Adolf Hitler was appointed next year chancellor of Germany!. Otto Frank had earlier toyed with the idea of emigrating, and in 1933 the family fled from Frankfurt to the Netherlands, where Otto Frank continued his career as a businessman!. In 1938 Anne Frank's two uncles escaped to the United States!. After the Nazi occupation of The Netherlands anti-Jewish decrees followed in rapid succession!. Anne's sister received a notice to report to the Nazis!. The family went hiding with four other friends in a sealed-off office flat in Amsterdam!.

Frank started to write at school, and planned to become a writer!. When she heard from radio broadcast from London about the importance of war diaries and letters, and possible publication, she changed the style of her diaries!. On May 20, 1944 she decided to rewrite her earlier texts, and in two and half months she produced 324 handwritten pages, which she entitled Het Achterhuis!.

The family was betrayed before Frank finished her work!. The final entry is 1 August 1944!. On 4 August they were arrested!. After the war Otto Frank combined her daughter's writings, earlier and later, into version C, which became known as the Diary of Anne Frank!. First it did not sell well, but when the diary gained a wide fame in the United States, where it was dramatized and filmed, the lively and moving book sold most copies in the world in the 1960s and 1970s!. also Anne Frank Huis - the hiding-place - was opened in Amsterdam on the Prinsengracht 263!. The house was given by its owner to the Anne Frank foundation!.

The authenticity of the diary was examined in the 1980s, when neo-Nazis claimed that it was forged!. All the versions of Anne Frank's texts were published in 1986!. However, Otto Frank had put aside before the publication five diary pages, giving them later to his close friend, Cor Suijk!. In these pages Ane Frank depicted her parents marriage, defended her mother, and hoped that nobody would see her writings!. In 1995 selections of diary suppressed by Otto Frank were made public!.

Frank started to write at school, and planned to become a writer!. When she heard from radio broadcast from London about the importance of war diaries and letters, and possible publication, she changed the style of her diaries!. On May 20, 1944 she decided to rewrite her earlier texts, and in two and half months she produced 324 handwritten pages, which she entitled Het Achterhuis!.

The family was betrayed before Frank finished her work!. The final entry is 1 August 1944!. On 4 August they were arrested!. After the war Otto Frank combined her daughter's writings, earlier and later, into version C, which became known as the Diary of Anne Frank!. First it did not sell well, but when the diary gained a wide fame in the United States, where it was dramatized and filmed, the lively and moving book sold most copies in the world in the 1960s and 1970s!. also Anne Frank Huis - the hiding-place - was opened in Amsterdam on the Prinsengracht 263!. The house was given by its owner to the Anne Frank foundation!.

The authenticity of the diary was examined in the 1980s, when neo-Nazis claimed that it was forged!. All the versions of Anne Frank's texts were published in 1986!. However, Otto Frank had put aside before the publication five diary pages, giving them later to his close friend, Cor Suijk!. In these pages Ane Frank depicted her parents marriage, defended her mother, and hoped that nobody would see her writings!. In 1995 selections of diary suppressed by Otto Frank were made public!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

do your homework
by the way, its annE frank!. with an E!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Parts of that book are untrue!. It was mostly written in ball point pen!. That didn't hit the market until something like 1950!. So how if Anne Frank died in 1945 did she write her diary with a ball point pen that she couldn't have until 1950!.That means someone else had to wrote itWww@QuestionHome@Com

She was an ordinary Dutch girl who happened to be of the Jewish religion!.
When the Wehrmacht invaded the Netherlands, her family tried to avoid capture by hiding in a "secret annex" in the building they lived!.
They were eventually betrayed to the National Socialists and she was sent to a work camp where she died!.
Incidentally, it wasn't a death camp like Auschwitz; she died of disease!. I think it was Typhus!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Anne was a normal kid in Germany, until it was obvious to her father that the family had no future there!. The family moved to Denmark, which gave them safety until the Nazi's took control of Denmark!. At that point the family was forced to hide in an attic with a few other Jews!. Someone ratted them out, and in 1945, just a few months before Auschwitz was liberated, Anne died there of typhus!. Her father was the only survivor of those who were in the attic!.
Anne wanted what any teenage girl wants!. Some kind of reason for why life was as it was for her, wanting to grow, perhaps marry some day!. She wanted just to live a more or less normal life, and not believe that such evil could exist amongst human beings!.
All ya gotta do is write "Anne Frank" in a search box and you'll find where there is all kinds of info on her!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

She was a girl who was hid in an annex during WWII from the Nazis!. She kept a diary, which was found after they were caught in the annex and sent to a concentration camp!. She sadly died!. I have read her whole diary--the book: "Anne Frank: Diary of a Young Girl"!. It is a really awesome story!. U should read it if u get the chance!. I loved it--and Anne Frank was a true heroine in my eyes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com