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Position:Home>History> What was the age of the youngest soldier in WW1?

Question: What was the age of the youngest soldier in WW1!?
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As for being a soldier, not a sailor, it seems John Condon wins!.

This kid was 13 yrs old wen he was killed in action!.

John Condon was the youngest casualty of the First World War!. He had not yet reached his 14th birthday when he was killed on the fields of Flanders in Southern Belgium!.

Major A!.A Barton RAMC claims to have been the youngest soldier in the field during WW1!. At the age of 14years 11months!.

James Charles (Jim) Martin!. (1901-1915)!. Thought to be the youngest soldier to!. serve in the Australian Imperial Force!. Either 13 or 14 yrs old!.

As early as October 11, 1917 8th Grader Oscar Zinneman of Hanover, PA was known as “The Youngest Doughboy!.” by Ripley’s Believe it or Not!. He was14!. He was the one everyone thought was the youngest until the Condon boy was discovered!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


The youngest casualty of the First World War had not yet reached his 14th birthday when he was killed on the fields of Flanders in Southern Belgium!.

The story of John Condon, the boy soldier from Waterford City, is the subject of a Nationwide WW1 special on the Eve of Armistice Day, Monday next, Nov!. 10th, at 7pm on RTE 1 television!. The programme tells the story of how this young Waterford lad trained for military service in the army barracks in Clonmel, after he fooled a British Army recruiting officer into believing he was 18 years of age!. John Condon's family only discovered he was in Belgium when they were contacted by the British Army after he went missing in action on the 24th of May 1915!.!.!.!.

Their was many 12 years old kids that served in the Royal Navy during the Great War!.

For Ed Bury: yes they did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is false that 12 year old children were employed by the Royal Navy, although 15 year olds were!. From between 1915 until 1917, when the Russian Empire withdrew from the war, Russian boys as young as 10 were used on the front line to deliver letters and food to generals or military leaders!. The reason for this was because they were small, therefore there was a smaller chance of them getting shot and the messages they carried getting intercepted!. Although these were not soldiers, they were positioned on the front lines where lots of action took place, and sadly, many of these children died! As for children soldiers, the Russains employed children as soldiers as young as 13/14!.Www@QuestionHome@Com