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Position:Home>History> What events influenced the development of Western Civilization?

Question: What events influenced the development of Western Civilization!?
What are some events or inventions that influenced the development of Europe and areas around it and how!. This is ideas for a project so it is pretty open!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1) Overthrow of Roman government by Christians about 0 AD!. Hence the renaming of the centuries!. Jewish use C!.E!. which means current era because the don't use AD!. So forever more they are NOT on the same calendar!.(page)
2) Establishment of the Roman Catholic Church which acted as the only functioning government for many centuries!. Remember the story that Mary and Joseph were on their way to pay taxes declared due by the temple!.
3) 1600's= Separation of Church and State by King Henry VIII of England when he established himself and all future rulers of England the Head of the Anglican Church!. Still Christian, not Jewish, but not Catholic!. All Christian religions other than the Catholic, are called Protestants, because they protest that Christ is telling us what to do via the priests!.
4) Establishment of the foundation of western democracy when King John signs the Magna Carta in 1215

All you young people need to remember that we Americans recently lost the right of Habeus Corpus and that right stems directly from the Magna Carta!. Adios amigos!.

5) Establishment of US government!. = 1776

6) Establishment of Income tax started in 1880!.

7) 1914 = Establishment of Federal Reserve which privitized our currency so we pay interest on currency supply (M1) and when we have deficit spending, we pay additional interest!. AND the passage of the Amendment to allow the government to tax income!. Can you believe that!. You can read why it was necessary on the IRS!.gov site; just type in "a short history" in the search bar!.

8) Supreme Court stopped the counting of legitimate votes and offered no better solution other than just stop it!. They are guilty of annointing a president in 2000!. Read "None call it Treason"!.

9) The expense of the Iraq war that bankrupted the US and called a trickle down disaster!. All the people that made money off the Iraq disaster move to Dubai!.

10) End of Western "civilization"!. It's getting more like every man for themselves!. NO democracy!. Nobody can help anybody due to federal state city regulations and costs!. These same taxing authorities are bleeding all the surviors dry as long as they possibly can!.!.!.

11) Americans that survive and are not part of the capitalistist system can work for peanuts and be a "slave" to the capitalist rules and taxes!. So basically, our government acts just like the Temple priests did by demanding taxes be paid!. Pay me now, and pay me later!!!!.

And don't forget WW1 WW2 and 9-11!.

You need to take a humerous attitude to all of this, because it's hard for anyone now to "verify" that anything is "true"!. Everybody just "backs up" their opinions and then they call it the truth!. So the result is that the real truth goes unrecognized by most and a false truth is believed by most people (by watching TV, etc)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The spread of Christianity

The fall of Rome

The Crusades

The Renaissance

The Evangelical (Lutheran) and other Reformations and Pietism

The "Thirty Years' War"

The Enlightenment

The American and other Revolutions

The Napoleonic age

The creations of Germany and ItalyWww@QuestionHome@Com