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Position:Home>History> During WW2, why did the Russians commit atrocities to Polish people?

Question: During WW2, why did the Russians commit atrocities to Polish people!?
arent they both slavic peoplesWww@QuestionHome@Com

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If we are talking about Katyn Forest then this was a classic piece of Soviet misunderstanding!. The edict from Moscow was to "liquidate the Polish Officer Corp", the intent it would seem was that they should be disarmed and placed in the civilian population (with a few of high ranks sent into captivity!.) However "liquidate" was unclear and rather than take the risk of letting all these soldiers go against orders various NKVD officers covered their own backs and decided it was best jsut to execute them!. Ditchs, woods, shooting & the rest is history!.!.!.

As to Soviet activities in the latter stages of the war, these were simply standard form - Polish, Lithuanian or Romanians, involved with a political movements (or collaberation) that Moscow considered to be at odds with you could expect to be singled out!. At best a Siberian holiday was in order, but just as likely a short walk in the woods!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You could as easily ask why do any race or tribe commit atrocities to others!.!.!.!.!.!.why did the atrocities in Rwanda and the Baltic occur!? I'm not sure there is one simplistic answer, the complexities of environment, psychology, sense of identity, political factors, economics, poverty, unrest, religion and circumstances of the time all contribute to those events of mass destruction or genocide by one race towards another whom they may have peacefully co-existed with for many years previously!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

soviet socialism was not based on ethnic divisions (as was german national socialism- nazism) but there are distinct differences between russians and poles- religion and alphabet being only a few of them!. In other words we are in a similar position to the Serbs and the Croats!.!.!.

The aim of the soviet socialists was the elimination of the Polish national identity- and they did it by (among others) the murdering of whoever they considered "elitie" in the Katyn forest!. The nazi socialists did exactly the same- among others in the Palmiry forest mass executions!.

Some of those murdered were university professors, politicians, officers, policemen, even prominent sportsmen "qualified" for exterminationWww@QuestionHome@Com

During WW2, the Soviets did not care about Slavic nationalism!. The Soviets barely cared about Russians, let alone the Poles!. Everything was subservient to the strength of the state!. The Soviets and Stalin tried to increase their own power and any kind of nationalistic movement within their sphere of influence was not tolerated!.

Had Nazism not alientated so many of the people of the Baltic countries, Ukraine, Belarus and even Poland by their sub-human ideology, most would have been more likely to fight against the Soviets than with them!. Everyone was fully aware of Soviet barbarity!.

Furthermore, the Polish state was never something the Soviets accepted!. The nationalist Poles were seen as enemies of the Soviet state and many millions suffered for it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Let's get 1 thing out of the water!. Poland was invaded by USSR not the RUSSIANS! you cant just blame everything on Russians even though they are to blame for a LOT OF things!
2nd, technically speaking Russias are not SLAVS people! souce History of the vikings written by Lang i think !.!. until 839 - they were sweds!. The first record of the Russians to be called slavs is 1039!. There are a couple of clues on that subject!. Finns call Sweds Routsinen!. It sounds like Roos == Russian
Roos is also a mid blonde color of the hair
as far as Poles, it all started in 1939 when USSR invaded Poland!. On September 17th!. Soviet forces invaded from the east!. Warsaw surrendered 2 weeks later, the garrison on the Hel peninsula surrendered on October 2nd!., and the Polesie Defence group, after fighting on two fronts against both German and Soviet forces, surrendered on October 5th!. If you were a Polish citizen, wouldnt you be pissed at this!?
pissed off enough to form anti-soviet anti-german resistance partisan groups!? So to avoid any complications !.!. the soviet army by the order of Stalin and his paranoia they started a mass murder of innocent people!.

here read this

i cant explain it better than this!Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're Russians; it's something of a national pastime!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

long history of polish uprisings against former russian rule!. they were countryless for about a century!.so they were ruled by their neighbors germany and russia!. against the russians they were always causing problems back in the the time of czar especially alexander 2!. it also makes sense to eliminate the people that could cause problems when you are planning on a new buffer zone by running and dominate the country after the war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Poland had attacked Russia during the Russian Civil War which followed the revolutionWww@QuestionHome@Com