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Position:Home>History> Anything about a lost city in the U.S. ?

Question: Anything about a lost city in the U!.S!. !?
It was a settlement somewhere in the Ozarks or Adirondaks or Appalachians!.!.!.!.from the 1800's that the terrain was so formidible, that they were essentially cut off from the world and forgotten until the 1940's or so!.

They were found living in the 20th century living just as people lived in the 1800's, their language had been preserved, but they all left and adapted to the ways of then-modern America!.

Do you know anything about it!? I heard about it once on some discovery channel (something educational) on TV and haven't been able to find anything about it ever again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It wasn't a lost city!. Appalachia wasn't well-served with roads until after WW II, and didn't have much besides coal and timber to bring in outside interests!. With little contact with the rest of America, there was almost no pressure to change!. The result was a culture that reflected its origins in the 1700s and 1800s!. Their speech, even now, is closer to Elizabethen English than any other dialect in the world!. Their music also is much closer to its original forms than anywhere else!. Of course, attitudes and traditions also reflected their situation!. It's fascinating, because of the contrasts between our modern society and theirs, which show how we've changed through our history!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i kinda know about the group but i can't spell it!. its like the mellanger group!. allegedly lincoln may have been a descendent of theirsWww@QuestionHome@Com