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Position:Home>History> What were Four Factors that leads to World War II?

Question: What were Four Factors that leads to World War II!?
I need help on this essay!.!.!.
I need to know 4 factors that leads to WWII!.!.!.
Be specific and explain please!.!.!.
Thank yOuWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1)The Treaty of Versailles was the result of an angry European community that wanted to punish the Germans for WW1!. It caused the country to fall into a devastating depression and loose pride in their nation!. A society that's in a serious depression is easily manipulated through propaganda and stories of rising to their once powerful ways!.

2) America decided that they wanted to cut off the oil supply to Fascist Japan (a Nazi ally)!. In order to continue the growth or just to maintain their society, Japan would need the oil!. They decided not to wait any longer and launch a surprise attack on the American pacific fleet!. (If Japan didn't do this then it's possible that America would have continued to sit on it's *** and not join the fight!. Germany would have won the war and eventually invade and crush America with the army they would have built)

3)Hitler was a great public speaker!. He was a lowly foot soldier in WW1 and felt he deserved more respect!. After the war, he failed at everything he tried to do!. He saw the Jews prospering and he resented them for it!. He was poor, hungry and annoyed!. Then he found a bar that would let him get on stage and rant!. He started off talking about how Germany shouldn't be plagued with the Treaty of Versailles and how they should rise up and rebuild the military!. Once he gained an audience, he started blaming the Jews for the everyone's financial problems!. People responded and his anger was fulled by his following!.

4)Hitler was shot and arrested!. He tried to organize an overthrow of the government but was found out!. When he was put in jail, he became almost like a martyr!. People were angry that a "man of the people" was arrested for opposing the government that was doing nothing to improve the lives of it's citizens!. Then came!.!.!. "Mein Kompf"!. One of the most influential books ever written!. Hitler described the Jews as the reason for Germany's depression!. He described Germany as the third riech!. He went on about how the military should be rebuilt and Europe being returned to it's rightful owner!. This was a very powerfull book that had great influence in the Nazi party coming to power!.

Good LuckWww@QuestionHome@Com

Check this WEB: http://www!.johndclare!.net/RoadtoWWII7a!.h!.!.!.

Good luck!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

imperialism, nationalism, militarism
sorry forgot the other oneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Hitler and nazis!. Dictatorship of proletariat!. Communism!. Germany being a threat to AmericaWww@QuestionHome@Com

WOW! I could fill pages with information but I'll leave most of the research up to you!.

One word: Oil

Japan needed oil and the USA at that time in history was the worlds largest exporter of oil!. We imposed a embargo upon Japan!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Germany wanting revenge for Versailles
Japan wanting to build an Asian empire like the Europeans!.
Rising nationalism and expectations
Appeasement and sympathy for the Nazis in the west encouraging Hitler to keep pushing for total controlWww@QuestionHome@Com

Here are two:
1!. Hitler's discreimination at Jews because he thought that they caused the German depression in the 20s!.
2!. A purification of what he called the Aryan race because he thought that the Germans should be the best and not be discriminated after WWI!.

Your Very Welcome!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is best to understand WW2 in context with WW1!. Centuries from now they will almost certainly be seen as simply one conflict as far as the European Theatre is concerned!.!.!.as they should be already!.

The first factor is that the Allies of WW1 from the time of the emergence of Germany in the mid 1800's, had no intention of letting it upset the balance of power in Europe!. The age of Exploration, Colonialism, and Imperialism all played a significant role in setting that balance of power!. The rise of Germany and its implications on the other nations are the core of the issue!. WW2 was a continuation of what was not settled after WW1!.

The second factor, though still tied to the first, was the peace treaty and the "appeasement" that followed!. If we were to accept Wilson's terms of Peace at Versailles, that would mean that what Hitler wanted!.!.!.the incorporation of Germanic populations elsewhere into the Reich, were not only fair, but were actually right!. The people of Austria, Sudetenland, and of the city of Danzig were all enthusiastic about joining Germany regardless of Hitler ever being alive!.
It is only "appeasement" then if we are to believe that other nations have the right to demand of others who and what can comprise their own nation!. If you beleive that, then yes the Allies appeased Hitler!. Obviously though, had Hitler died in ww1, the Germanic populations outside Germany still would have every right of demanding to be part of Germany!.
So!.!.the war was then continued by the Allies in September 39, because it refused to give up Danzig to the Germans!. The Poles were stood up to fight, which they did bravely, while the Allies could do nothing to stop Germany anyway!. The rest of ww2 developed as a consequence of these decisions!.

The third factor is that war is good for business!. The financial elites and bankers made a kiling of WW1 loaning money with interest, building up the military industrial complex, and other war related profiteering!.

Finally all the extreme ideas fermenting in the world for the last 300 years came to life under the Nazi regime!. Though it was not the reason for the war in and of itself, it did create an atmosphere amongst the Nazi's that only extreme actions could create their extreme world!. They did not shy away from war and in excluding the Jews from Europe they only enhanced the will for the the third factor above to happily wage war!.Www@QuestionHome@Com