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Position:Home>History> What can you say about the 1930's?

Question: What can you say about the 1930's!?
What can say about 1933!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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Prohibition was overturned, there was worldwide economic depression, Hitler became chancellor of Germany and laws against Jews were enacted, F!.D!. Roosevelt was inaugurated as president of the U!.S!., America was largely isolationist, between one quarter and one third of American workers were unemployed and a quarter of U!.S!. farmers lost their land, Roosevelt began the "New Deal" with several programs to stimulate work (Civilian Conservation Corps, Industrial Recovery Act, and other acts)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

-The great depression
more things here:

I can say a lot about the 1930s, what can you say about 1933!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

All that I know is that the 1930's were known as the "dirty '30s" There was the great depression after WWI was over!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Roosevelt had only been in office for about a year, but he had got his "100 Days" initiative approved by Congress, which helped push through the New Deal!. He took the country off the gold standard, and Prohibition ended!. He gave the first Presidential fireside chat by radio!. Frances Perkins, Secretary of Labor, became the first woman Cabinet member!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The 1930's was a period of economic depression on the world scale!. During the period, the U!.S!. had its' highest unemployment rates!. The united states was focused on isolationist policies with Herbert Hoover being president from 1929-33!?, and FDR taking over, starting his first of three terms!. FDR launched the New Deal, an "alphabet soup" of government agencies including but not limited to social security, AAA, and FEDA!. Meanwhile, the bonus army was amassed in washington where they wanted to receive their promised bonus for WWI over a decade early!. Furthermore, America's isolationist policy led them to a series of neutrality proclamations, and incredibly high tariffs!. The economic depression led to the rise of power of adolp hitler along with the unfair versailles treaty!. The policy with germany in this decade was to simply give everything they asked ex!. Czechoslovakia!. Meanwhile, Japan was invading china through manchuria!. They even sank a U!.S!. destroyer, but because they said sorry, it was ok!. Mussolini was dictator in Italy, and Stalin was in Russia!. Germany invaded poland in 1939!. In the united states, the mobster/gangster was in many of the headlines!. Overall, this decade was pretty much a foreshadowing of WWII!. (especially the Spanish Civil war)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com