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Position:Home>History> Why did they use the word stop to indicate a period?

Question: Why did they use the word stop to indicate a period!?
Was it only in telegrams!? or were they used in Newspapers as well!? and when did they stop usingWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
stop is shorter and easier to understand!. it avoids confusion!. using an actual punctuation mark means the reader has to be able to distinguise a comma from a period, for example; with the word stop there is less chance of confusion!.

yes only in telegrams, where brevity was the soul of!.!.!. usefulness!. in britain, the word for "period" is "full stop!."


most people don't use telegrams anymore to send messages, now that we have phones and email!. telegrams are almost always used only to wire money!. there are companies that will send telegrams but you usually fill out the form online and there is no need to type STOP after each sentence!. i don't know if they add it in and i'm not willing to pay the $30 or whatever to find out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

How do you represent a !. on a telegraph!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

To indicate the end of a sentence via telegram or radio one uses the word stop instead of a period!.
Why would newspapers print the word stop to substitute for a period!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

People would save money by using the word "stop" instead of periods to end sentences because punctuation was extra!. You had to pay per word, per line; some companies had a standard rate for "x" amount of words in a message: but punctuation marks, because they were not considered a "letter" were not only extra, but more expensive than the four letters that spelled stop!. War correspondents, who often telegraphed their articles used stop also, so that there would be no confusion for the transcriber as to where to end the sentence!. the word itself wasn't printed as part of the articcle when published!.
I don't know exactly when it was discontinued!.Www@QuestionHome@Com