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Position:Home>History> Who's the first one said: After me, the deluge(flood)?

Question: Who's the first one said: After me, the deluge(flood)!?
My highschool teacher said its LouisXV, but there seems to be so many sources and variations of this quote!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The origin is traditionally associated with Louis XV, yes!. However, it's most likely apocryphal!. Some say it was more likely said by Madame de Pompadour, but even that is debatable!.

Even assuming the quote is true, the exact meaning of what was said is contentious!. Was it predicting the coming French Revolution and European Wars that resulted!? While it would have been obvious even to Louis when he was dying that he was leaving the French state in horrible financial shape, and there was a growing anti-monarchal sentiment he had done nothing to stop!. But French kings of that period weren't known for their introspection!. Maybe it meant something else entirely!? No one knows!.

In truth, like many supposed historical utterances ("Let them eat cake!"), the phrase is most likely a fiction, or at least greatly different from what was really said/meant!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

your teacher is amlost correctWww@QuestionHome@Com