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Question: If the south had won!?
What do you think life would be like in the great south today if the Confederacy had won the civil war!? Please, do not answer simply with "We would have slaves" because if you believe that you are too stupid to answer this question!. The southern leaders were not stupid, and they would have rid the confederacy of slaves within 30 years after victory!. They would have realized that the super powers in Europe, Britain and France, would not have recognized them as a country, nevertheless allied with them, unless they abolished slavery!. Other than slavery answers I look forward to hearing all replies!. Best answer will go to the most in depth answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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I think France and Britain may have allied with them, the slave issue was less important to them than $!. They had been stockpiling cotton for some time and could afford to be aloof, the south needed some spectacular victories to show they were viable and putting pressure on the union!.

How does the south win!? Thats the hard part-they would have to had really clobbered the north in a string of battles, Lincoln was such a staunch defender of federalism that I really cant see him backing down, meaning Washington would have to fall!.!.!.!.!.given all that, if the South was a nation today, I kind of picture it as an impoverished apartied era South Africa, strongly conservative in its political outlook and foriegn policy, strong agricultuarl subsidies and lot of Creationism taught in the schools!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

we wouldn't still have slaves, but we certainly wouldn't have had the civil rights movement and it would have been pretty awful if the south would have won!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What would you expect to be changed!? I don't see it being much different than it is now except maybe the nations capital being in VIRGINIA !.

If it had been a revolution with each side having strongly radical and opposing ideas such as capitalism versus communism changes could have been tremendous but it wasn't as the ideas they fought over crossed all borders and political party lines and had as many foes and supporters in the NORTH and SOUTH !.
Either way slavery would have ended and government would have eventually become more centralized as it has to insure all states conform to majority democratic rule by vote and not what any state feels like doing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In all reality the south would have dissolved with in 10 years !. Southern states were already bickering with each other even before the end of the war !. The union would have broken up to !. The south would have made it possible !. As on state after another separated sooner or later they would have become targets of the European powers !. The United states would have ended up as a hodge podge of independent states and European colonies !.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Probably a long series of wars between the Confederacy and a vengeful USA, allied to opposite sides in the World Wars!. See Harry Turtledove's alternate history novels for one plausible scenario!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think with the longer period of slavery and the much different priorities of the south that US entry into the world wars would have been deeply effected!. I'm not sure if they would have gotten involved sooner, or later, but it would have changed things to be sure!. also, I think the civil rights movement would have been ten to fifteen years later and much bloodier!.Www@QuestionHome@Com