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Position:Home>History> Texas chainsaw massacre...?

Question: Texas chainsaw massacre!.!.!.!?
is he still alive!?
& if he is, are there any pictures of what he looks like now!?

thanxx :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Ed Gein died in 1984!. He was institutionalized right up to the end!. Harold Schector wrote a good book on Gein in 1989 titled Deviant!.

As others have pointed out here, The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is fiction and bears no real resemblance at all to the Gein case!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Texas Chainsaw Massacre is a work of fiction!. The claim that it is based in reality is very loose!. There was an individual named Ed Gein in Wisconsin during the 1950s who is said to have inspired both Psycho and Texas Chainsaw; the fact that both stories are completely different goes to show you how little true story there is in either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha it not actually a real person!. they make it seem like it is in the beginning of the movie though, i knowWww@QuestionHome@Com