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Position:Home>History> Anybody good at Texas History?

Question: Anybody good at Texas History!?
I need somebody to help me with these 6 questions!. I really want to know if I got them right!!

-When did President Andrew Jackson grant official recognititon of Texas!? (month, day, year)
-Did President Mirabeau B!. Lamar and Sam Houston have similar policies regarding Native Americans!? (yes or no)
-Why did Sam Houston not run for a consecutive term!?
-What did Henry Morfit recommend to President Jackson!?
-Why was the annexation of Texas delayed!?
-Where was the capital of Texas located after the Arxhives War!?

*Please and thank you!*Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
March 3, 1867

No - Houston was friendly with the Indians, especially the Cherokees whom he had lived with and represented to the American government!. Lamar despised the Indians, and fought a war with Cherokee under Chief Bowles, driving them into the Indian Territory!.

The Texas Constitution prohibited consecutive terms for President!.

Against Annexing Texas at the time!.

Chiefly anti-slavery sentiment, but also a desire to avoid a war with Mexico!.
