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History homework help!?
4!. Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation declared
A!. all slaves to be forever free
B!. slaves in the Union slave states to be free
C!. slaves in Confederate states to be free
D!. slaves in U!.S!. territories to be free
5!. The Battle of Gettysburg was a turning point in the war because
A!. it triggered a four-day riot in NYC
B!. the outcome convinced European nations to help the Confederacy
C!. southern troops reached their nothernmost point in Union territory!.
D!. Lee lost so many troops that he would never aain invade the North!.
7!. General Tecumseh Sherman's march through Georgia was
A!. a defeat for both armies
B!. an example of total war
C!. the bloodiest battle of the war
D!. a turning point in the war
8!. The terms of surrender general Grant offered to General Lee were designed to
A!. end the war without causing further suffering or hatred
B!. convince northerners that the heavy costs of the war were justified
C,!. punish southerners who had fought for the Confederacy
D below
5 minutes ago - 3 days left to answer!.
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4 minutes ago
D!. continue his policy of accepting nothing less than unconditional surrender!.
4 minutes ago

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
4!. C
The Emancipation Proclamation did not free slaves in all states, just the confederate ones, because Lincoln did not want to antagonize the border states!.
5!. D
Gettysburg was the first major defeat suffered by Lee!. It repelled his second invasion of the North and inflicted serious casualties on the Army of Northern Virginia!.
7!. B
Sherman therefore applied the principles of scorched earth, ordering his troops to burn crops, kill livestock, consume supplies, and destroy civilian infrastructure along their path!. This policy is often considered a component strategy of total war!.
8!. A
In addition to his generous terms, Grant also allowed the defeated men to take home their horses and mules to carry out the spring planting and provided Lee with a supply of food rations for his starving army; Lee said it would have a very happy effect among the men and do much toward reconciling the country!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Don't be such a lazy bum! Read the books! Homework is to help you KNOW certain things, make up your own mind about certain aspects of your country's history, not just copy them off someone else's back!Www@QuestionHome@Com