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Position:Home>History> Is germany better off today due to its eugenics policies back earlier in the las

Question: Is germany better off today due to its eugenics policies back earlier in the last century!?
I mean is, since it steralized all it's mentally ill,disabled and criminal and drug addicts,and also prevented all the defectives from procreating,there doesn't seem to be so many disabled or mentally ill people in or around the German nation as there was a few generations ago!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No!. Disabilities and mental illnesses aren't always caused by genetics!. They could be caused as a result of an accident, or by the mother drinking, smoking, or using drugs during pregnancy!. They also can be caused by the mother getting pregnant later in life!. Certain mental illnesses can also be caused by bad parenting, neglect, or abuse!.

also, some people may have the "carrier" gene for a disability without necessarily having the disability themselves!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is necessary to have the exact statistics!. I think, that it not so!.

You mean the program "Lebensborn"!?
About 8,000 children were born in Lebensborn homes in Germany, and another 8,000 in Norway!.
It is not a lotWww@QuestionHome@Com

What are you basing this assertion on!? Have you studied the statistics on insanity, birth defects and the rest in modern Germany!?

The eugeneics programs of the Third Reich didn't change the genetic makeup of the Germany people, after all, they merely killed the products of those genetic defects!. It would be at least as accurate to say that the massive casualties suffered by Germany in the Second World War, whether during the bombings, the invasions or the occupation had made Germany a better place by renewing the gene pool!. Wiping out the genes of Hitler and the other high Nazi leadership is an obvious benefit, after all!.

In the end, really, what percentage of the Germany population under Hitler would have ben classified as "defective" and how many of those folks would have bred!? Nazi eugenics was a misguided attempt to follow an equally misguided and myhtological racial edict of a twisted political and social system!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't believe Germany is better off today because of eugenics!. Many defectives weren't allowed to produce, but some got by that system!. Not everyone was wiped out during WW2!. There might be some towns where their society is better than ours, but they probably have drug addicts and mentally ill!. also, there's also the cultural diffusion aspect too!. What was once weeded out has gotten back into the mix!.Www@QuestionHome@Com