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Position:Home>History> What do you know about the Assyirans?

Question: What do you know about the Assyirans!?
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The Assyrians are an ethnic group whose origins lie in what is today Iraq, Iran, Turkey and Syria, but many of whom have migrated to the Caucasus, North America and Western Europe during the past century!.
Hundreds of thousands more live in Assyrian diaspora and Iraqi refugee communities in Europe, the former Soviet Union, the United States, Australia, New Zealand, Syria, Jordan, and Lebanon!. As a result of persecution in the wake of the First World War, there is now a significant diaspora!. Major events included the Islamic revolution in Iran the Simele massacre in Iraq, and the Assyrian genocide in what is today Turkey!.
The latest event to hit the Assyrian community is the war in Iraq; of the one million or more Iraqis reported by the United Nations to have fled, nearly forty percent (40%) are Assyrian, despite Assyrians comprising only three to five percent of the Iraqi population